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About Grinding Wheel

Do grinding wheels have an expiration date?

There is no particular expiration date, however we recommend you use our wheels within 5years after production date because the wheels will deteriorate when exposed to moisture.

What is the difference between grain type of A and A/WA?

A and A/WA denotes the type of abrasive grain; A type wheel is made of brown fused alumina (alundum), A/WA type wheel is made of mixture of brown and white alumina (white alundum). Both type of wheels are suitable for grinding carbon steels.
A/WA type wheel is mixed white alundum for increasing grinding performance. If more stronger grinding force is needed for your application, we recommend you to select A/WA type wheel. Incidentally, WA type wheels are suitable for grinding stainless steels.

Is there any effective way to increase the life of grinding wheels?

Using grinding wheels with low angle results in abnormal abrasion or loading and decrease the life of grinding wheel.
Using grinding wheels with proper angle 15-30 degree helps prevent abnormal abrasion, providing smooth grinding and polishing. Dressing for grinding wheels with metal piece breaks away dull abrasive grains and restore its effectiveness.

How to select grinding wheels hardness?

Hardness is rated from A-Z with ‘A’ being the weakest and ‘Z’ being the strongest bond. Standard hardness is ‘P’ ( ‘Q’ is standard for “Green Z”).
We recommend you to select P (or Q) for normal use. If you focus on grinding force more than durability, then you can select softer wheels. Conversely harder wheels last longer than softer wheels.

Does finished surface vary with the different grit?

The lower the number, the coarser the grain, the finished surface is rough. The higher the number, the finer the grain, the finished surface is smooth.
Applications: #24/36 for heavy or normal grinding, #46-100 for sanding or polishing, up to #120 for polishing or finishing.


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