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  3. Cerac Belt White for Aluminum

Product info

Cerac Belt White for Aluminum

Cerac Belt White for Aluminum
  • Grinding
  • Deburring
  • Surface grinding
  • Chamfering
  • light duty grinding, polishing
  • Belt Sander
  • Belt Grinder


    Significantly reduces grinding time of aluminum

    • Approximately 60% increase in stock removal compared to general-purpose products
    • Maintains high grinding force
    • Reduces frequency of replacement

    Unique coating for aluminum

    • Prevents clogging
    • Reduces fusion
    • Grease-free, oil-free


    Example of use

    For deburring aluminum castings


    • For light grinding and polishing tasks, including bead removal, deburring, and rust removal on aluminum and non-ferrous metals


    material Copper/Copper alloy

    ※ ● indicates optimal for that material, while ○ indicates suitable.


    Width Circumference Grit

    Part number

    Packing Outer Box
    (pcs × inner box)
    10 330 36 CBSI10330-36 100pcs(10pcsx10boxes)
    60 CBSI10330-60 200pcs(20pcsx10boxes)
    12 330 36 CBSI12330-36 100pcs(10pcsx10boxes)
    60 CBSI12330-60 200pcs(20pcsx10boxes)
    20 520 36 CBSI20520-36 50pcs(5pcsx10boxes)
    60 CBSI20520-60 100pcs(10pcsx10boxes)
    100 915 36 CBSI100915-36 50pcs(10pcsx5boxes)
    60 CBSI100915-60
    • All width and circumference measurements are in mm.
    • Please check as availability in the lineup may vary by size.



    width:10 mm 

    width:12 mm 

    width:20 mm 

    width:100 mm 


    In preparation


    1.Grinding dust and heat may cause injury or fire, and there is a risk of scattering abrasive grains, grinding chip, or abrasive breakage.
       Use appropriate safety gear such as protective glasses, safety helmets, dust masks, gloves, and long-sleeve shirts during grinding.
    2.Do not press the workpiece against the belt with excessive force or press sharp objects against it.
    3.Handle the belt with care. Avoid applying any stress, such as twisting or bending, especially at the joints.
    4.Check for any visible defects or abnormalities before use.
    5.Ensure proper ventilation during operation.
    6.Do not store in direct sunlight or in areas with extreme dryness or humidity.
    7.Read the instruction manual for the compatible grinder or sander carefully before use. Do not use with grinders or sanders other than the compatible one.
    8.When replacing the belt, ensure that the switch is turned off and the grinder or sander is completely stopped before disconnecting the grinder or sander from the hose or power supply.
    9.Ensure the safety of nearby workers. Do not perform work near flammable materials, such as gasoline.

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